
Student services and support programs


Yeppoon State School offers a range of support to students and parents. Areas covered under this section include: 

  • Guidance officer
  • Speech
  • Support teacher - learning difficulties
  • Chaplain

Guidance officer

Yeppoon State School has a guidance officer, Mr Geoff Horton, on site on Tuesday  8.30 am to 3.00 pm. The guidance officer works with students, parents and teachers in a variety of ways to support better educational outcomes i.e, the focus of guidance support is an educational one rather than one of family support. Students are supported through counselling, psychometric testing and profiling as well as other programs run by the guidance officer with the teacher or other support staff or community agencies. Teachers are supported through consultation, joint educational programs and reporting. Parents can contact the guidance officer directly but are encouraged to follow a referral path (see the teacher or school administration for forms and processes to do this). If in doubt whether there is a valid referral, please contact the guidance officer or administration directly. The guidance officer can be contacted on (07) 4925 1114.


A speech language pathologist provides a service to the Yeppoon State School for students assessed as requiring this support.

Support teacher – learning difficulties

Yeppoon State School students and teachers access the services of a student engagement support teacher, Mrs Natasha Sutton, working Monday - Friday across classes from Year 1 to Year 6.  In addition the school has Mr Chris Thompson, Head of Special Education on site 9 days a fortnight. 


Yeppoon State School has a chaplain, Mrs Julie Eastwood, associated with our school. Our chaplain visits our school each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9.00 am - 2.30 pm. 

Students requiring our chaplain's services can either make an appointment through the administration office, visit her office in H block or catch up during the lunch breaks. 

Indigenous education

Please view the links below Yeppoon State School's community partnership agreement and initiative action plan.

  • Community partnership ​agreement (PDF, 118 KB)

Special education program 

Yeppoon State School offers a special education program in a fully inclusive setting. We believe in the inclusion of all students into the regular classroom setting whenever possible. Even though all students don't have the same level of skill and ability, they can still participate and learn from and with each other in the same setting. 

Each classroom teacher uses a wide range of strategies to engage and motivate students with special needs. The teachers are supported by a number of specialist special education teachers who each case manage special needs students and help them meet their social and educational goals. The school also has a head of special education services (hoses) who overseas the program and can be contacted at any time to discuss the needs of individual students.

At Yeppoon State School we have a wide range of programs that further develop important social skills of students, include gardening and cooking. The school has also developed strong links with the local high schools and the transition program is adapted yearly to meet the emotional requirements of the students.

The goal of the special education program at Yeppoon State School is that all students have the opportunity to meet their full potential. We work with the relevant stockholders to establish a future vision for students that are meaningful and ultimately form the basis of all educational planning.

Last reviewed 18 February 2022
Last updated 18 February 2022