


​​P&C Association

Next meeting and our Executive contacts

The P&C meet once a month, except school holidays.   If you have any issues, concerns or requests, please email Yeppoon State School P&C or alternatively contact one of our Executives below or attend our next meeting. Everyone is most welcome to attend.

President:  Jess McKenzie

Vice president: Holly-Claire​ Taylor

Secretary: ​Ariel Lewis

Treasurer: Ariel Lewis (interim)

What does a P&C do and why should I get involved?

  • Did you know that the P&C supports a wage, keeps the tuckshop functioning with maintenance, supplies and equipment upkeep?
  • Did you know that the P&C manages and operates the schools' uniform shop?
  • Did you know all your generous support with fundraising helps your child have the best in educational needs with the latest technology, school maintenance, equipment updates, supplying comfort with airconditioning, and supporting school field trips?
  • Did you know that the P&C contributed significantly to the purchase of 15 interactive whiteboards - one for every classroom? 

What does our P&C get involved in?

  • Policy development
  • Financial planning (budgeting)
  • Tuckshop, uniform management
  • Fundraising activities
  • School and classroom functions

What are the P&C's functions?

  • To promote our school and the importance of education to the community.
  • To encourage closer cooperation between the parents, members of the community, staff and students to achieve a desired outcome (art show, bush dance involvement).
  • To provide advice and recommendations to the principal on issues and concerns in respect to the student body and the general operations and management of the school.
  • To provide advice/recommendations on school issues and discuss concerns and improvements for enhanced school life for our children (drop off zone for ranger drive, oval irrigation, drainage grids, student seating requirements – supply of picnic tables and seating, effluent water for toilets).
  • To provide financial support to school representatives (band, choir, sporting reps), purchase classroom teaching tools (maths number boards, TV and DVD player, library books), manage the tuckshop and uniform/bookshop, supply airconditioning to classrooms and many other resources (oval irrigation, shade projects, picnic tables etc.) For the benefit of students of the school.
  • To participate in any committee which will contribute to the general benefit of students ie. Hall building committee. 

What good could I do?

Contribute your ideas for improvement and offer opinions on:

  • Behaviour management
  • Student dress code
  • School routines
  • P&C budget and projects
  • School budget
  • School surveys

How can I get involved?

Become a:

  • P&C member
  • Tuckshop or uniform shop volunteer
  • Classroom helper
  • School council representative
  • Parent networking rep for your child’s class
  • P&C executive member
  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary (minutes & correspondence)
  • Treasurer (accounts & banking)
  • Fundraising volunteer
  • Data entry volunteer
  • Uniform coordinator
  • Newsletter article volunteer
  • Events coordinator
  • Attend P&C meetings and voice your opinion
Last reviewed 07 March 2024
Last updated 07 March 2024