Quality learning occurs in Yeppoon's supportive, disciplined environment
Social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality practices in the areas of curriculum, interpersonal relationships and school organisation. All members of the school community should feel safe and are valued.
Behaviour expectations are clearly outlined and logical consequences enacted for infringements.
School practices involves a planned continuum from positive to preventative actions for all students to responsive actions for specific individuals and groups.
Non-violent, non-coercive and non-discriminatory language and practices are defined, modelled and reinforced by all members of the school community.
Suspension and exclusion procedures are considered only when all other approaches have been exhausted or rejected.
For full details please see the Student code of conduct (PDF, 3.8MB).
Responsible behaviour plan for students
Yeppoon State School is committed to providing a supportive school environment which maximises the educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. The responsible behaviour plan for students (PDF, 356KB) is designed to assist in the development and maintenance of a supportive environment for all students in which they feel safe and valued.
Yeppoon State School Values and PBL
At Yeppoon State School;
We are Safe
We are Respectful
We are Learners
These 3 values are our expectations that we hold students and staff accountable for at Yeppoon State School
What is Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)?
PBL is a whole-school approach to creating supportive and safe learning environments. It is an evidence-based approach that is used in many Queensland schools. The approach uses preventative teaching and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful learning behaviours and outcomes.
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Our Acknowledgement System at Yeppoon State School
Students receive tokens from staff for displaying one of our school values during outside time eg. Whether that be learning outdoors, walking safely to and from school, at lunch breaks and or play breaks. If a staff member sees a student displaying the appropriate behaviour they hand out a token to the student/s.
The student/s can add their token to our whole school collection located in the front office. Once our whole school reaches the token target, all students take part in our PBL Rewards Day.
#yeppoonssway #engagedlearners #strongpartnerships